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Got a Consultant Question? See If It's Answered Here: Beautycounter Consultant FAQs Vol. 1

If you are pondering the business side of Beautycounter, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you have a few questions. I've had just a little experience in answering said questions over the last five years :P. Today, I've asked my friend and fellow consultant, Becky Schreiner, to help me address a few of the most common questions we typically receive in regards to the consultant opportunity: from "Do I have to host parties?" to "I don't want to be salesy" to "Can I really make money?" and a few more.

I'm ready to join the Beautycounter movement as a Consultant, now what? Awesome! Your voice is a welcomed addition to our community and we are excited that you want to help spread this mission alongside us. Visit and select Become a Consultant, choose your mentor and follow the remaining steps to complete your enrollment. *You'll be asked if you would like to purchase an optional starter set of products. While optional, it sure is helpful to have product to start your business. Otherwise, it's like opening a restaurant without tables, menus or even food - ha! It also helps that the starter sets are available at a much deeper discount than our consultant discount of 25 percent. Be sure to think about how you would like to build your business (loaner kits containing products, one on one meetings, events, social media, etc.) and what you might need for that. Then, make it your first goal to earn this investment back.

I watched your video and my question was not addressed... If your question was not addressed, not to worry. Submit it to me and we will add it to our list for Vol. 2 (after I answer you directly, of course). You can also check the Consultant FAQs on

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