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Non-Toxic Easter: Clean Up Your Easter Basket


The idea for this post originated from me creating this "Spoil Yourself with Safer" auction basket (pictured below). I've curated a few of my favorite non-toxic Easter basket ideas below:

nontoxic Easter basket ideas

The idea for this post originated after I created this "Spoil Yourself with Safer" auction basket (pictured above). I've curated a few of my favorite non-toxic Easter basket ideas below:

Better Easter Candy Every Easter basket needs a little candy, but you can provide your littles with candies and chocolates without artificial dyes and flavors. There are some great organic brands, too! Check out Unreal Dark/Milk Chocolate Candy Yum Earth Gummy Fruits and Organic Pops (suckers) + Sour Beans (sour jelly beans) all available via Amazon, your local health food stores and some Targets. 

Toddler Toys While we will definitely have other cars, books, and toys in the mix, I've grabbed our favorite non-toxic play-dough made without toxic dyes and "fragrance," Green Toys Dough Tools and a few bath toys from Green Toys for our little guy (almost 2). 

Organic Plush Bunnies My mom had a stuffed animal in every one of our Easter baskets, so I always do the same now that I have kiddos. This organic stuffed bunny is super cute and you can rest easier knowing your little one isn't sleeping next to toxic fumes.

Egg Dye + Crafts What kiddo doesn't love dying and decorating Easter eggs? We love this Non-Toxic Egg Dye and this really cool Easter Egg Spinner (way less mess and so fun). I also found this awesome Wooden Egg Craft Kit to have a little fun before it's time for the real eggs! 


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